Bio Energy Coaching and Therapy

At The Happy Coach Company, I provide a safe space for growth. I teach strength and resilience by helping you work on health and happiness. I do this by integrating a range of therapies and coaching. More information on my therapies are detailed below, but please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

The Happy Coach Company | Coaching with kindness in mind

Let’s make your world a happier place

Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, profound, non-invasive, hands-on treatment for the whole body.  Performed on a massage table, the client is fully clothed and the touch is generally light and still.  The treatment is focused on supporting the health of the whole being, especially the nervous system.  This is the system that dictates all of the body’s functioning,  constantly sending and receiving information.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapists understand how an optimally functioning healthy nervous system performs.  We are trained for years on how to use acute perception skills to perceive subtle physiological changes.  We also are aware of the energetic map that underlies one‘s basic health and symptomology.  We believe that health is never lost no matter what the ailment.  We use our ability to identify the parts of the nervous system that are not functioning optimally and our awareness of the “always available health” in the body to assist the system in bringing itself back into balance. This supports greater ease and helps the body decrease symptoms.

Sharon is trained to the highest standard in this non-invasive approach.

Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy and RTT

Millions of people worldwide now realise the benefits of accessing therapy.

When it comes to choosing what type of therapy might work for you, there are a lot of different methodologies out there to explore. Understanding ‘what’s what’ can be confusing and clients can be easily misled by grandiose claims, so choosing the right therapist is a very important and personal decision.

To display the RTT logo on my website means I’ve received personal tuition from the world famous Marisa Peer as she is the only person that teaches her innovative approach and is endorsed by the General Hypnotherapy Register, the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council, the National and International Council of Psychotherapists, the American Board of Hypnotherapy, the International Association of Complementary Therapists, the International Institute of Complementary Therapies and many other International bodies.


If you are looking for an old fashioned NLP practitioner syllabus then this is NOT it. Think of this work as a FAST TRACK,  GREATEST HITS or a whole NEW WAY of looking at the world.

There is NO FALSE STATE work here. The best ‘state’ you can be in is the most authentic you. There are lots of NLP patterns that have been around for 40 years, new science has evolved the NLP way.

It’s in that ‘inside-out’ principle that you will find the biggest difference. As a trained therapist, I have been tutored by the world famous Ali Campbell.

Certified Crystal Reiki Master

Reiki is an ancient laying-on of hands healing technique that uses the life force energy to heal, balancing the subtle energies within our bodies and aura.

Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances.  As a Reiki practitioner, I serve as a vessel that supplies healing energies where they are most needed by the recipient. The crystals are used to amplify the energy and environment for optimum healing.

Animal Communication, Behaviour and Therapy

Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) is an alternative or complementary type of therapy that involves animals as a form of treatment. I act as a vessel to communicate with the human and animal energy field.

The goal of AAT is to improve a patient’s social, emotional, or cognitive functioning. Advocates state that animals can be useful for educational and motivational effectiveness for participants.

In a variety of settings such as prisons, nursing homes and mental institutions, our animals are used to assist people with different disabilities. Our most commonly used AAT includes canines, equine and sheep.

Certified HeartMath Coach & Trainer

Stress is the single biggest cause of illness today. Anxiety and Depression are the two biggest health conditions.

Many people are experiencing overwhelm and burnout. As a HeartMath Coach, I can help.

HeartMath is a unique and powerful system of stress management, resilience building and high-performance techniques, tools and innovative biofeedback technologies.

The system is easy to learn and practice, but most importantly, it works! That’s why it has been used by organisations such as NASA, Stanford Hospital, ITV, Nuffield Health and Microsoft as well as by hundreds of thousands of individuals worldwide. This can be done in groups or one to one.

Bio Energy Sports Coach

Trained to the highest standard, Sharon is highly skilled and understands what you need to make a success of your sport.

With a full understanding of the mind, body and spirit, her aim is to bring the best out of you as an individual by treating your needs as an athlete.

Financial Advisor

To underpin our world, we need sound financial foundations for success. With over 30 years’ experience in the industry, the insight Sharon gives to this area in your life is transformational. She owns and runs an independent mortgage firm, her knowledge of finance and business will help you reach your full potential.

Enquire Now

Please complete the form below to enquire about any of our services or to make a booking and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

    Which services are you interested in? (Check all that apply)
    Animal TherapyAudio AffirmationsBio Energy CoachingColdstream Canines/BoardingFinancial CoachingHeartMathNLPReikiOther

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